Online Masterclass “Leading Virtual and Hybrid Teams”

Virtual working penetrates business and any other areas of life. Now with the global pandemic the demand for virtual collaboration has increased to a completely new level.

My name is Peter Ivanov and I’d like to invite you to my Online Masterclass “Leading virtual and hybrid teams”. In this Masterclass I will share with you proven in practice tips and tricks as well as Award Winning Methodology for managing Virtual and Hybrid Teams.

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Applying the methods of the master class You will :

What will You learn?

How is the Master Class structured?

Who delivers the Master Class?

Peter Ivanov is an international Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author and Virtual Teams’ Coach. 

Peter has led virtual teams of 100+ people spread across Europe, Asia and Africa and has coached 200+ Global organisations. The teams led by Peter have won multiple prestigious corporate awards among which are the  “Best of the Best” in 2007 and the Global “IT Connect Award” in 2012.

Join the Master Class

Join the Online Masterclass “Leading virtual and hybrid teams” and get Your Team Performance to Top level!

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Monthly Mastermind
Personalised Feedback
Monthly Mastermind

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Virtual Power Teams

Peter’s Book “Virtual Power Teams” is translated in 6 languages and has been Amazon Top 3 in the category international management!

The Master Class is full of pragmatic tips, best practices and lots of exercises. Providing input to the exercises you will get my personalised video feedback tailored for your team and organization.


This Self-paced , eLearning Online Master Class a flexible and cost effective way to learn and apply my methodology in your organisation.

Join the Online Masterclass “Leading virtual and hybrid teams” and get Your Team Performance to Top level!

The Master Class – Program

1Houston we have a problem! How to retain the Gravity and unleash the Virtual Team’s Power!

2Why Global Teams Fail? What do the Best Performing Teams have in common?

3The Award Winning Method “The 10 Big Rocks”

4How many are the Virtual Teams in % globally ?

5Big Rock 1 Personality in Focus – The Greater the Distance Between Team Members, the More Imperative it is to know Your Colleagues Personally.

6Big Rock 2 Strengths Matrix – When Team Roles Meet the True Strengths of the Team Member, Work is pure Joy

7Case Study – Massive Online Virtual Team

8Big Rock 3 Interdependent Goals – It is Easy to Lead When Everyone has a Goal and is Allowed to Shine

9Big Rock 4 Forums & Agenda – Structured Communication Means that not only the Boss talks, but Everyone Talks – about Everything

10How to manage Hybrid Teams?

11The Virtual Power Teams – Formula”

12Big Rock 5 Knowledge Management – how to link Knowledge Management to Strengths and Talents?

13Big Rock 6 Regular Feedback – how to Institutionalize Feedback in Virtual Teams
14Big Rock 7 Recognition – Praise, Praise, Praise!

15Big Rock 8: Diversity – How to define the Optimal Team Culture on 3 Scales?

165 Tips for Home Office Productivity!

17Big Rock 9: Winning Spirit – How to maintain the WInning spirit despite the distance, time zones and different cultures? Extraordinary Achievements Deserve Extraordinary Rewards – for Everyone

18Big Rock 10 Next Generation Leaders – How to integrate Millennials and Digital natives in Virtual Power Teams and Communities

19Micro Cosmos, Macro Cosmos and Virtual Teams – creating a New Reality!
20. Bonus Videos
Bonus10 Tips for managing Hybrid Teams

BonusHow often should virtual teams meet

BonusHow to deliver critical feedback in Virtual Teams

Bonus10 Tips for Home office productivity and building Powerful virtual teams!

Bonus5 Top Tips for Virtual Negotiations and Client Engagements

BonusHow to manage your Career without being in the office

Join the Master Class

Join the Online Masterclass “Leading virtual and hybrid teams” and get Your Team Performance to Top level!

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Monthly Mastermind
Personalised Feedback
Monthly Mastermind
Personalised Feedback
Monthly Mastermind

What do You get in each option?